

Conditional Modeling of Panel Count Data with Partly Interval-censored Failure Event


胡翔斌 博士(香港理工大学)





In longitudinal follow-up studies, panel count data arise from discrete observations on recurrent events. We investigate a more general situation where a partly interval-censored failure event is informative to recurrent events. The existing methods for the informative failure event are based on the latent variable model, which provides indirect interpretation for the effect of failure event. To solve this problem, we propose a failure time-dependent proportional mean model with panel count data through an unspecified link function. For estimation of model parameters, we consider a conditional expectation of least squares function to overcome the challenges from partly interval-censoring and develop a two-stage estimation procedure by treating the distribution function of the failure time as a functional nuisance parameter and using the B-spline functions to approximate unknown baseline mean and link functions. Furthermore, we derive the overall convergence rate of the proposed estimators and establish the asymptotic normality of finite-dimensional estimator and functionals of infinite-dimensional estimator. The proposed estimation procedure is evaluated by extensive simulation studies, in which the finite-sample performances coincide with the theoretical results. We further illustrate our method with a longitudinal healthy longevity study and draw some insightful conclusions.