
发布时间:2009-06-29  点击次数:

International Conference on Several Complex Variables,

Complex Geometry, and Partial Differential Equations

July 6-10, 2009

Wuhan University, Wuhan, China

1. ThePosterofConference.pdf

2. ProgramSchedule.pdf

3. ListofParticipants.pdf

4. UsefulInformation.pdf

5. 地图

Registration date:July 5, 2009

Registration Places: Hongyi Hotel (弘毅大酒店)

Address: No.136 Donghu Road, Wuchang District,Wuhan . Telephone: 0086-27-67819888

Fengyi Hotel (丰颐大酒店)

Address: No.336 Bayi Road, Wuchang District,Wuhan . Telephone: 0086-27-67811888

Conference Venue:SchoolofMathematics and Statistics,WuhanUniversity .

Contact: Please take the following cell phone numbers with you, in case you need them in china:

13607154510 (cell phone number of Hua Chen(陈化))

13657277240 (cell phone number of Xiaojun Huang)

13419608899 (cell phone number of Zhenhan Tu(涂振汉))